Monday, April 30, 2012

photo challenge...

Rock the Shot's April photo challenge is water.  The contest ends tonight, and somehow, I just saw it today on facebook.  I planned on blogging this much earlier in the day, but my desktop crashed, laundry happened, I ran out of puppy kibble, had to run my son to drumline, watched "Dancing With the Stars" and rescued my daughter from a freak tire incident.  It's been a long day, to say the least.

I will always love this shot from summer before last...armed with my old D50 and a 70-300 VR zoom, I waded in about knee deep and anchored my feet in the sand, watching my three oldest enjoy an uncharacterically rough surf at Hilton Head.  I think we got our money's worth out of this $20 raft we'd just purchased...that expression is priceless.

p.s.  I popped the color a tad, but, otherwise, I didn't do much to this shot in post-processing.

Rock the Shot

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